Saturday, February 23, 2013

Is entrepreneurship relevant in this global economic climate?

In 3 1/2 months 3,000 students will graduate from the UWI and beginning the hunt for jobs. Some have student loans to pay, some have to ensure that they can find one to take care of their own expenses and some have family and parents who have sacrificed so that they could be here for the 3-5 years of university education. 
Taken from

But what if one of these students had the idea which could be the next best thing besides sliced bread? What if they could bring out a revolutionary idea that could change the world?
I decided to search on Google and I came across this interesting read from the World Entrepreneurship forum. There are 9 recommendationsPromoting the Entrepreneurial Spirit. Click to read

    I think number six struck me the most especially in today's context especially in the Caribbean. 

6. Develop Young Adult Entrepreneurial Curricula

Include within an education curricula practical elements of entrepreneurship and business development so as to increase the entrepreneurial IQ within the community.

It is time that courses such as this one are use to promote the entrepreneurial spirit found in so many of our young people. We have to equip them with the tools to go out and try to develop their own skills and business ideas. This has to start from the primary level by stimulating critical thinking skills and nurturing it through all levels of education. The use of incubator programs at the secondary and tertiary level will assist in finding the ideas and helping them to grow. With the development of entrepreneurs we will begin to tackle the problems affecting our society especially that of unemployment. By giving your people the necessary training and tools we will be able to start stimulating them to work for themselves, providing employment for others as well as contributing to the economy. And all this can start with one idea. So let's stop talking about entrepreneurship and start doing something about it!

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