Imagine making something you say or do become a brand, locally or internationally? Imagine turning your non-verbal communication into dollars and sense? Well as communicators who are looking at entrepreneurship we are gonna have to tap into the unconventional communications methods that have helped made some brands and maybe find a few undiscovered opportunities. Here are 4 of my favourite brands for communication compliments the Caribbean's fastest men:
1. Imagine if a sign could make you millions of dollars? Well his has.
Usain Bolt is know for his running but his communication through his Bolt pose has gone viral and has opened a market in branding. The Bolt pose is so well know that it has been trademarked for his sponsor PUMA as well as his restaurant Tracks and Records. This shows that non-verbal communication is important and as communicators maybe we can help one of those persons to find a brand that can developed and brought to the fore with traditional or social media.
2. While Usain may be communicating non-verbally his counterpart Asafa Powell has turned himself into a social media brand and has taken this over to traditional media. Asafa's investment in the online site Irie Social has putting him at the forefront of athletes who are investing their money. In addition to the salacious pictures he posts he also now has an advice column in the Observer. Who says there aren't benefits to being a famous athlete & and making extra money from not running.
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3.Yohan Blake's signature watches and his beat pose have made him viral in social media and has paid off for Richard Mille who has partnered with the Jamaican sprinter. Blake known for his comical antics has been boosted in the 2012 Olympics by not only his athletic prowess but his controversy in wearing a $500,000 watch and then the pose which he used to moniker his nickname "The Beast". This has now become a global trend and though it may not be as popular as Usain's lightning bolt, it's a start for an up and coming athlete and future entrepreneur!
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4. This list would not be complete without the input of Warren Weir. Weir is not as famous as any of the others on the list but is maybe the most social media savvy. His coverage of the London Olympics which was done from an athlete's side was viewed by thousands of persons around the world especially those in Jamaica. His tweets were followed as they gave insight into an almost hidden world. His videos on Youtube has made him a media sensation and he's know not for his athleticism but his videos and tweets. Who knows, maybe he should move into social media management and forget the running.
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So who says you can't make something you do into a brand and maybe even make some money from it? Dare to dream and become an entrepreneur!