Sunday, April 15, 2012

Its Over or is it?

This will be my final blog entry. Interestingly it has been a long few weeks and I am suffering from the burnout of the second semester. Some may look at it and say its over in terms of the course but I think there may be one or two lessons that have really resonated and stuck with me. The two that stand out most in my mind are reputation and networking. These are the two most interesting tenets of Organizational Communication. If we as students take these and use them we can become better communicators and transform the landscape of Organizational Communication in the Caribbean. I know personally I will be applying some of the skills I learnt in my internship this summer and in a few side projects that I will be doing. I hope that I can grow and perfect these skills so that in the end I can become one of the best communication specialists.
Thank you Mr. Mc Daniel for the class. Though at times I thought you rambled on, I see that the key concepts are important and their application is important. I look forward to seeing an A in this course and who knows, I may take up one of your other courses next year.
And to answer the question: Is it Over? Far from it. Learning is a life ling process and if I want to be the best, I must continue to read, study and grow!

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