Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

And there it is!

Could We Have A UWI Blog Awards?

I remember my first trip to the Jamaican Blog Awards held at the Jamaica Pegasus. It was a really interesting experience and it was great to meet the faces behind some of the pieces that I read.
 Annie Paul receives Personal Achievement Award at 2012 Jamaica Blog Awards

I have taken to blogging as a hobby and I think if I have enough discipline I can actually make a great blog that persons would be interested in. Then today Mr. McDaniel (or Uncle Gerry as I call him) brought the young man behind the Jamaica Blog Awards to class Mr. Corve DaCosta.
      Corve is a young man with a vision. He is on a mission to revolutionize the media sphere in Jamaica and the Caribbean and he's not afraid to share his knowledge.

He gave great ideas to the over 40 students in the class about blogging and how they can use it for income generation and just as a medium for expression. These tips were useful and can help any young blogger.

 But it was a tweet that started of the thinking, Could we have a UWI Blog Awards? With all these young persons that we are equipping, can we not develop our own UWI blogosphere. We could blog about food on campus, parties, fashion trends, lectures, seminars and so much more. Imagine getting the true picture of UWI as being seen from the students and getting a real picture of what happens on campus. I can see this happening and I think this is an idea we should push as its time that we as UWI students, not only those in CARIMAC and communication programs take the lead and begin showing the world that we can revolutionize the world of media.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The desk I wanna be behind

A few weeks ago I signed in on LinkedIn and saw the headline "Shavar, want to see Richard Branson's desk?

LinkedIn where I work thing

It's quite interesting that all the persons in the picture are innovators. They took the risks and became successful entrepreneurs. They made mistakes along the way and some of their ventures failed but through it all they have persevered and went on to be successful. Is it time that we as young people embrace the entrepreneurial spirit and become pioneers in this new globalized world? The answer is .......

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It's FAR from Over!

So welcome back. After Period of dormancy it seems as if I'm back to blogging for another one of Gerry McDaniel's course. It's quite interesting that the course is called Entrepreneurship Skills for the Communication Industry. Coming on the heels of my PR Class' project "Click: Sign in to Cash In" which explored entrepreneurial opportunities in Social Media, it's quite interesting that this semester talks about entrepreneurship again. And with the world economy in such a state the question now emerges, should we try for entrepreneurship over looking for a job? Well it is my hope that this course can help further my dream of owning my own company in the future. Who knows, maybe this course may push me to pursue my dream sooner rather than later!